The Most Dangerous Trails From All Around the World

These bone chilling hikes are not for the faint of heart. Take, for example, Mount Huashan. Your life is in the hands of the narrow boards and cliff-side chains as you’ll see in Q2 but a video with real climbers fully portrays the danger.




Thanks to TheMiyaworld for not only filming this video but the guts and bravery as well!

? By Hermann Luyken - Own work, CC0, #1: The Bright Angel Trail is nearly 13km long with an average grade of 10%. Many hikers have suffered from dehydration due to the sheer length, the grueling uphill climb back, and the dry desert climb.

? By I, Ondřej Žváček, CC BY 2.5, #2: Mount Hua Shan: Old rickety boards and a chain are all that keeps you from falling thousands of feet off the side of the mountain.

? By Tony Crabtree - Original work by author., CC0, #3: Angel’s Landing, like Mount Hua, provides chains to help hikers navigate the steep switchbacks.

? By Hullwarren - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, #4: The Cascade Saddle is known for the steep descent back down and the hazards from loose rocks which have claimed many lives over the years.

? By MichiNerja - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 es, #5: The Caminito del Rey has been known as the most dangerous walkway. It was built in 1905 fell into disrepair at the turn of the century and has been blamed for several deaths. It was only renovated in 2014-2015.

? By User: (WT-shared) ThatShawGuy at wts wikivoyage, CC BY-SA 3.0, #6: The Maze: As the name implies, hikers are prone to getting list on this trail. The dry climate and lack of water certainly compounds the dangers.

? By Iain Lees, CC BY-SA 2.0, #7: Via Ferrata is a climbing route with steel cables. It runs between 2 countries (you only need to get 1 of them.)

? By rasaints, CC BY-SA 3.0, #8: Aonach Eagach: the trail runs along the top of a narrow ridge with very slopes on both your left and right.

? By Geoff Gallice from Gainesville, FL, USA - Machu Picchu, CC BY 2.0, #9: Huayna Picchu: This trail is so steep, slippery, and narrow that only 400 visitors are allowed on it at any given time! Not to mention the threat of heavy downpours during the rainy season.

? By Luke Brindley - Luke Brindley's own photograph, taken by him (me)., GFDL, #10: Kokoda Trail: You’re probably not in constant danger of falling off of cliffs like with the previous examples. But you’re in for a long multi-day hike with the prevalent threat of diseases like malaria.

? By Greg Willis from Denver, CO, usa - Pacaya Volcano - Guatemala, CC BY-SA 2.0, #11: Pacaya Volcano: This is one of the rare opportunities to hike up an active, erupting volcano if you’re willing to take the risk!

? By BraunW - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, #12: Wendenstöcke: Vertical cliffs, heavy snowfall, and narrow paths. Need I say more?

? By Arnaud Abadie - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, #13: GR 20: This 180km trail bisects an island province of this European nation through rugged mountain terrain and steep cliffs.

? By paul (dex) bica from toronto, canada - hanakapiai falls, CC BY 2.0, #14: Kalalau Trail: A lengthy trail combined with a remote location and steep, slippery cliffs adds up to a very dangerous hike.

? By Glysiak - Own work, GFDL, #15: Knivskjellodden: Enjoy these spectacular cliffs from a distance, but just don’t get too close or you may fall!
